I create a shortcut with a script, but why? Some applications do not know the cause, do not create a shortcut during installation or after installation. The following Script allows you to create shortcuts with the variables entered.
What is Superfetch and how it will be closed
If you are using Windows 10, the Windows operating system automatically turns Superfetch off or on according to the speed of the current hardware. You do not have to deal with it. If you like control, you can turn off Superfetch by following the steps below.
Continue reading “What is Superfetch and how it will be closed”
Problems refreshing icons on desktop and system tray (Solution)
I have come across a problem with a few customers, at least a couple of machines, with the problem of not refreshing the System Tray ( right next to the clock ) and the desktop icons.
You can simply solve this problem by following the steps below.
Lets start, Continue reading “Problems refreshing icons on desktop and system tray (Solution)”
Get windows registry value from remote computer
If you manage a large domain network. Your manager may ask you for information about the applications that are installed on the systems at certain intervals. This program can be more important for this company if it is an expensive application.
In the following example, we try to determine which machines have visual studio by collecting registry key information
Goal: Read registry value from remote machine
Source: Read remote machine names from .txt file
Result: Get results in .csv format
Continue reading “Get windows registry value from remote computer”
How to fix SCCM 2012 Software Update fails #2
testmachine | 5.00.7804.1202 | MRTKY\TESTMACHINE | 11423 | -2147467259 | Unknown Error (-2147467259) | 05.06.2013 12:44:23 | HTTPS://SCCM1.POLSKIECELL.COM:8531 | 26 | Failed |
Pasted from <http://sccm1/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fConfigMgr_TCP%2fSoftware+Updates+-+D+Scan%2fScan+3+-+Clients+of+a+collection+reporting+a+specific+state+(secondary)>
Unknown Error (-2147467259)
04.06.2013 09:47:42
Pasted from <http://sccm1/Reports/Pages/Report.aspx?ItemPath=%2fConfigMgr_TCP%2fSoftware+Updates+-+D+Scan%2fScan+3+-+Clients+of+a+collection+reporting+a+specific+state+(secondary)>
Open Registry.pol file with Pol Reader and the following error appears

SCCM 2007 ile bir uygulamanın registy değerinin 1 veya 0 olduğuna ulaşmak ve raporlamak
Uygulamamız, "Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 R2" olsun, ulaşmak istediğimiz kayıt "PC2PCAVEncription" olsun istediğimiz değer ise kaç makinede "0" ve "1" değerleri mevcut.
- Regedit ile kayıt defterinde ulaşmak istediğimiz değeri kontrol edelim.